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Constitution Of Bangladesh Community Galway, Ireland

Name: The name of the organization shall be Bangladesh Community Galway (Henceforth referred to as BCG).
Address: Temporary Address of Bangladesh Community Galway (BCG) is -9 Monalee HeightsGaway-Ireland.

Mission and Objective

Section 1: The organization shall be a non-profit and non-political
Organization formed by all Bangladeshi/Bengali who permanently or
Temporarily lives in Galway, Ireland.

Section 2: The goals and objectives of the Bangladesh Community in Galway, Ireland   shall be to:

(a)  Provide cultural, intellectual. Social, physical and spiritual welfare to the people of Bangladeshi origin;
(b)  Promote goodwill, understanding and appreciation of cultures of Bangladesh among all persons regardless of color, creed, race, religion and national origin.
(c)  Promote Bangladesh-Ireland friendship.
(d) Educate Bengali people with local environment and social work with local society.
(e)  Support Senior citizen
(d)  Promote cultural exchange with any other group or organization or institution interested in Bangladeshi culture.
(e) Observe various Bangladeshi National days like Victory day, International mother language day, Independence Day and etc.
(f)   Celebrate various religious program like Eid-ul-Fitre, Eid-ul-azha, Durga   Puja , Christmas and Buddha purnima.
(g)   Take active role in helping Bangladesh or any other country in socio- economic and humanitarian activities when necessary.


Section 1: Any Bangladeshi temporarily or permanently stay in Galway and age is above twelve (12) is eligible to be a member of this organization,  irrespective of their race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, disability or handicap, marital status, or veteran status.

Section 2: Interested person should be filling up a BCG membership form. All applications for membership shall be submitted to the Board of Directors or its authorized committee for such purpose and must receive the approval of the Board of Directors or its authorized committee. Application for membership shall be made on organization’s official application form. In the event of the rejection of an application a notice of such rejection shall be sent to the applicant within two weeks following receipt of said application.

Section 3: Any Bangladeshi who does not live in Galway or around county Galway may also be members of this organization with associate membership status. However, they will not have voting privileges.

Membership Fee, Rights & Privileges

section-1: Classes of members
(a) Regular member, who shall be any person paying the dues of 30.00 euro a
(b) Family member, who shall be paying for family the dues of 40.00 per year.
(d) Student member, who shall be any full-time student of any institution
Paying the dues of 25.00 euro per year.

Section 2: Review of Membership Dues: The Board of Directors may review the Membership dues from time to time and may place before the general body For increase or decrease of such dues and final approval of such increase or Decrease of dues shall determined by the simple majority of the members Present and voting.

Section 3: Due Date of Dues: The annual dues due to the Organization shall be payable to the Director of Finance and Budget during the month of January. Members failing to pay dues by January 31st shall be declared in arrears and shall automatically be deprived of all privileges of membership in the Association.

Section 4: Voting Right: Each member who is in conformity of Section 4 and 5 of this Article shall be eligible to vote on all business before the members at any meeting. Associate members are not eligible to participate any voting.

Section 5: Participate meeting: All members can participate organization’s Monthly and bimonthly’s meeting.


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Help BCG to fundraise for a Mosque. We are requesting to all brothers.. to help for our new Mosque in Galway.

Management of the Association

Section 1:
Board of Directors:
The activities of the Organization shall be Managed by a Board of Directors Consisting of Seven elected members each
With a designated responsibility defined as follows:

(a) Chairman: who shall preside over all meetings of the members and of the Board and who shall have overall responsibility for the activities of the Association.

(b) Vice Chairman: who shall exercise all authority and perform all duties granted to the chairman, when the chairman is absent or unable to perform his duties.

(c) Secretary General: who shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Board of Directors’ meetings and also of all membership meetings, and also shall mail all notices required by these by-laws, maintain appropriate records of membership of the Association, and who shall exercise such power as are provided by these by-laws and by the Board of Directors.

(d) Director of Finance and Budget: who shall keep a record of all financial transactions of the Association, depositing such funds in a bank designated by the Board of directors, sign all checks along with chairman or secretary general of the Association, prepare a financial report of the Association for presentations at the annual meeting and shall provide for auditing of the account books of the association at least once a year prior to each annual meeting.

(e) Director of organizational Affairs: who shall promote the goals of the Association to the outside world, conduct membership drives, organize and supervise all ad-hoc committees as approved by the Board of Directors.

(f) Director of Cultural Affairs: who shall organize and supervise cultural and social activities of the Association, coordinate various programs of the Association, and head literary and magazine committee.

(g) Director of Sports Affairs: who shall organize and supervise sports activities of the Association, coordinate sports programs of the Association, and head sports related committee.

Section 2:
Responsibility: Each office bearer of the organization shall be jointly and severally responsible to the general body of the Organization for the activities of the Community.

Section 3:
Vacancy: A particular position shall be considered vacant upon happening of any one for the following events:
(a) Death of the person holding a position;
(b) Resignation;
(c) Refusal to serve in the position elected of selected for;
(e) Failure to maintain membership in the Association

Section 4:
Filling up of Vacancy:
(a) Any member of the Association in good standing shall be selected by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy occurred.
(b) In case the vacancy occurred in the position of chairmanship, the Vice-Chairman of the Association shall be elevated to the position of the Chairman.

Section 5:
Quorum: The majority membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the Board meeting. Any action taken in such meeting shall constitute actions by the Board.

Section 6: Meeting of the Board of Director:
(a) Regular meeting: The Board of Directors shall hold Six(6) regular meetings during one fiscal year and that the notice of the meeting must be given by the secretary general with the approval of the chairman one week prior to the meeting with tine and place of the meeting and such meeting may not have any particular agenda.

(b) Special meeting: A special meeting may be called by the chairman, or in his absence vice chairman or in his absence secretary general or two directors by notice given to all members of the Board of Directors two days prior to such meeting and the notice of such meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting indicating place and time.

Section 7:
Signing Contracts:
The chairman and the secretary general shall sign all contractual documents of the Association.

Section 8:
Transfer of Records:
The outgoing Board of Directors shall bring all records of the Association to the annual general meeting of the Association. All records, assets, cash, bank accounts of the Association and every other charge shall be transferred to the custody of the newly elected Board of Directors within a week after the conclusion of the election.


Section 1: There shall be an advisory board consisting of at most five members. They can be of any national origin with active interest and knowledge about Bangladesh.

Section 2: The responsibilities of the advisory board shall be to advise and help the executive committee with ideas to improve the organization and maintain liaison with the community.

Section 3: Selection of the advisors must be agreed upon by at least half of the voting members.

Membership Meetings

Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the membership shall be held as follows:

(a) Place: The annual meeting shall be held at the principal facility of the Association or in a place convenient to all members of the Association.
(b) Time: The annual meeting shall be held in the month of January of each year at a time convenient to the majority of the members of the Association.

Special Meeting: Special meeting of the membership may me called at any time by the chairman of the Association or by the majority of the members of the Board of Directors or by written petition to the secretary general by at least ten percent of the members in good standing. Special meeting may be called within two weeks after receipt of the written request, provided, however, that no special meeting, may be called unless the specific purpose(s) for holding said meeting are communicated to the secretary general along with request for the special meeting.

Notice of the Meeting: Notice of the annual and special meetings shall be mailed not less than two weeks prior to the scheduled meetings. Notice of special meetings shall contain a statement of purpose(s) of the meeting an no other business shall be transacted which does not pertain to such stated purpose(s).

Quorum: for the purpose of transacting any business at any membership meeting one third of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

Voting: Voting on any question except as otherwise provided by these by-laws may be voice vote or show of hands unless the presiding officer shall order or any member shall demand that voting be written ballot.

Who shall Preside: The chairman of the Board of Directors or in his absence vice chairman or in his absence a Director nominated by the chairman or vice chairman shall preside at all meetings.

Keeping of Minutes: Secretary General or in his absence a director nominated by secretary general shall keep the proceedings of the meeting in writing in the minute book of the Association.

Finance and Budget

Budget: The Director of Finance and Budget in consultation with the Budget and Finance Committee shall prepare the Budget for the fiscal period subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Purchases and Expenditures: Purchases and Expenditures shall be approved by the Director of Finance and Budget pursuant to the budget.

Capital Expenditure: Approval of the general body shall be required for capital expenditures each exceeding two thousand euro.

Books, Records and Audit

Books and Records: The record of the Association shall consist of its Articles of Incorporation, by-laws and amendments thereto, minutes of all meetings of the members and of Board of Directors, register of members, financial documents, inventories and such other records as shall be designated from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Audit of accounts: Before the closing of every fiscal year, audit committee comprising three members of the Association shall audit the books of account, to be presented by the Director of Budget and Finance to the annual meeting of the members, and that the audit committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Association with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The records of the Association shall be maintained in English and shall remain in custody of designated officers.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year.

Corporate Seal

The Board of Directors shall provide a corporate seal with the name of the Association inscribed thereon.


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